Fifth semester student Rohan Patel had the opportunity to present research at the 13th International Medical Education Conference (IMEC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia earlier this month. Hosted by the International Medical University of Malaysia, the conference brings together healthcare professionals, academicians, and students from around the world to exchange ideas and share innovations in medical education.
Rohan presented findings from a pilot study that he worked on with Dr. Golden Jackson, Assistant Dean of Service-Learning and Community Affairs, and Dr. Shannon Nanna, Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences at AUC. The study aimed to increase students’ understanding of and exposure to social determinants of health and health disparities while in the first two years of medical school. Through case-based learning, pre-lecture assessments, and post-lecture reflective writing assignments, the pilot introduced social medicine into AUC’s ICM curriculum and helped students to develop critical cultural competency skills.
“Being able to travel to Kuala Lumpur to represent our work and AUC is something I could only dream about,” said Rohan. “I am grateful to Drs. Jackson and Nanna for their mentorship and support on this project and I encourage other students to reach out to their professors about research opportunities.”
IMEC was Rohan’s first international conference but he hopes it will not be his last.