AUC is tied for #1 among the top 4 Caribbean medical schools based on residency rates*.
*Based on information available on the schools’ websites as of July 2024. Methodologies vary. Click here for details.
How AUC Helps You Achieve Excellence
98% Residency Rate
1st-time residency attainment rate for 2023-2024 grads1
84% USMLE Pass Rate
USMLE 1st-time Pass Rate for Step 1 2019-20232
7,500+ Alumni
AUC graduates have gone on to practice in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and beyond.
1 First time residency attainment rate is the percent of students attaining a 2024-25 residency position out of all graduates or expected graduates in 2023-24 who were active applicants in the 2024 NRMP match or who attained a residency position outside the NRMP match.
2 First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step 1 exam on the first attempt divided by the number of students whose first attempt was in 2019-2023. In order to sit for the USMLE Step 1 exam students must successfully complete the Medical Sciences curriculum.
Exceptional Education. Caring Culture.®
At AUC, you get a systems-based curriculum, supportive faculty, and a like-minded community of students to help you succeed.
Explore Our Vibrant Locations
AUC School of Medicine’s programs prepare our students to practice in the US, Canada, UK, and beyond.
Learn more about our two unique locations.
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