Knowing how serious these events can be, we maintain a comprehensive Hurricane Response Plan with protocols established to help with campus safety before, during, and after a weather-related event. AUC regularly reviews its Hurricane Response Plan and updated the most recent version in May 2019.
In addition to this webpage, a number of downloadable preparedness materials have been developed to keep AUC students and the campus community informed and aware of weather-related activities. In the event of a hurricane or other emergency, AUC will update the Weather Alerts page (see below) with official university announcements.
Hurricane Information
AUC's Hurricane Response Plan
In the event of an approaching storm, AUC’s incident command team will work closely with the administration and local emergency officials to activate the university's Hurricane Response Plan. This plan provides a framework for how AUC will manage an emergency in a way that prioritizes the campus community’s safety and security.
Taking into consideration the storm’s strength and projected path, AUC will decide whether to cancel classes and open the university as a shelter. Our goal is to make this decision in a timely manner so that students and community members have the time they need to prepare for a storm. While students are not required to shelter on campus, they are strongly encouraged to do so.
Earthquake Safety and Tsunami Preparedness
In the event of an earthquake and/or tsunami watch or warning, AUC will alert students and colleagues via our SIREN notification system. In Sint Maarten, we have two Emergency Assembly Points (EAP) on campus.
Pet Safety
Natural disasters are unpredictable but planning and preparing for one is in your control. For pet owners, that means knowing how you are going to take care of your pet during a storm and having supplies and travel documents ready at a moment’s notice. Stock up on supplies that will keep you and your pet safe and comfortable for up to five days and pack in a large bag that you can easily grab. To help you plan, we have compiled a checklist to help prepare your furry friends.