Q: How do you spend your time most days? Describe a usual day for you.
A: A usual day for me right now consists of studying for the USMLE® Step 1 exam and looks a bit different from when I was in basic sciences. My days then usually consisted of lectures (Q&A sessions) in the mornings until early afternoon and then I would have the rest of the afternoon and evening to myself. Usually during that time I would eat lunch, maybe take a nap, and then watch the recorded lectures for the week, study, etc. Each day was a bit different depending on if there were Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) sessions to attend or lab sessions.
Q: What clubs or organizations are you involved in at AUC?
A: While at the UK Track for basic sciences I was one of the co-presidents of the Pediatric Interest Group. I was also involved in the Student Government Association in different roles and was a member of the Student Experience Ambassador Program. I was also a member of Students 4 Students (S4S), where we provided resources, study advice, and tips for students.
Q: Have you considered what specialty you want to pursue after medical school? What is it and what about it appeals to you?
A: I am strongly interested in pediatrics but will remain open-minded to the different specialties when I start clinical rotations. My interest in the specialty of pediatrics stems from my personal experiences while growing up, my love for working with children, and the importance of advocating for such a vulnerable population.
Q: Why did you choose AUC to begin your medical school journey?
A: I chose AUC for my medical school journey because I had been unsuccessful in applying to medical schools in North America. I didn’t want to wait another year to try again, so I applied outside of Canada and the United States. I was able to do this after speaking with graduates of international medical schools and hearing their experiences. I had done an extensive amount of research before applying and going through with the process. After going through the process with AUC and based on the experience I had with the admission advisor I was assigned to and the interview process, I decided to matriculate at AUC. Financially, it was also the better choice for me in comparison to the other school I had applied to due to the lower tuition price and the scholarship amount granted
Q: What do you like best about AUC?
A: The relationships and friendships I have made have been so amazing. The support from peers has been so refreshing to experience. I have made connections here that I know are lifelong connections. It has been so eye-opening learning people’s stories, experiencing the diversity of my class and the student body, and seeing the different things that we all bring to the table.
Q: What advice would you give to others about getting into medical school?
A: I would say that if this is your passion and something you are sure you want to do, then don’t give up. You might have to try a few times, and the road to getting there might seem long, but don’t let that discourage you. There are so many amazing doctors out there who didn’t have a direct path into medicine and are now doing amazing things. There are many medical students who had to write the MCAT a few times before starting med school, and I am one of them. That doesn’t define you as a medical student. So, if you know this is what you want, then go for it
Q: If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?
A: Trust the process! There have been many times on this journey where I wished I was further along, but it’s all coming together the way it is supposed to. So, I would tell my younger self to trust the process and try to enjoy it and make the most of it as she goes along. Because someday, you look back and realize how much you missed because you were so worried about things not working out.
Q: Would you recommend AUC to other students seeking medical school?
A: I would encourage other students to consider AUC if they are looking to get started with medical school and don’t want to wait any longer. For me, I didn’t get into any Canadian medical schools and had no success when I applied to U.S. schools, and I was ready to get going. I did not want to wait anymore, and AUC has provided me with the opportunity to pursue a lifelong dream. Now I am two years in and grateful that I got started. Just like you would for any other school, do your research and see if it is a good fit for you.
Thank you, Lois, for sharing.
Lois’ journey is all about excelling in her studies, forming deep connections, and fully experiencing what it’s like to be part of an international student community. If Lois’ journey has inspired you, consider exploring the opportunities at AUC for yourself. Whether you’re just starting your medical school journey or looking for a caring culture and exceptional education, AUC might be the perfect fit for you.