Congratulations to our American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC) students and graduates who earned residency placements!
See where our graduates are headed by searching our 2022 Residency Match List on the AUC website >>
Results show that AUC has achieved a 95% first-time eligible residency attainment rate thus far. AUC graduates earned positions in 33 U.S. states and territories, landing in a variety of postgraduate medical training settings, such as large university-affiliated academic medical centers, busy urban hospitals, and major regional healthcare systems.
Not only is our impact on patients and communities widespread, AUC also has a strong history of graduates attaining residencies in critical primary care specialties where the need is particularly great. The trend continued this year, with 70% of our future residents set to enter a primary care specialty.
In addition to primary care, graduates attained residency placements in a diverse array of specialties. AUC match participants earned positions in 20 specialties, including Anesthesiology, Child Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, and Interventional Radiology.
With residency news in hand, many graduates took to social media to share their first place of employment as resident physicians. AUC graduates also joined a virtual Match Day reception where they had the opportunity to share their news, hear congratulatory messages from faculty and staff, and gather with classmates who matched in their region.
We look forward to continuing to celebrate our students and graduates, and we’re proud of their achievements on their path toward making a difference in medicine and the communities they will serve.