Find The Right Semester for You
3 Start Dates: January, May, September
We enroll three new classes each year in January, May, and September, and accept med school applications year-round. Though the program length is the same for all three start dates, there are unique benefits to each term. Apply and start as early as January 8, 2025.
First-time Residency Attainment Rate for 2023-2024 AUC Graduates*
Residency Placements
Specialties in 2024
U.S States and Territories
*First time residency attainment rate is the percent of students attaining a 2024-25 residency position out of all graduates or expected graduates in 2023-24 who were active applicants in the 2024 NRMP match or who attained a residency position outside the NRMP match.