Fourth year student Elena Gueorguiev poses with the thousands of products that were collected at Danbury Hospital in 2017
Clinical students and staff at Danbury Hospital are coming together for a good cause. Between now and Friday, May 11, 2018, the hospital is participating in a donation drive to collect feminine hygienic products for women who cannot afford them. The drive is being led by third year student Kaysha Ribao and is a part of #HappyPeriod, a social movement grounded in the idea that no woman should go without menstrual care.
The AUC community is no stranger to #HappyPeriod. Two years ago, alumna Nikole Czapp began a Miami chapter and organized donation and distribution drives with AUC students rotating at the Center for Haitian Studies. Since then, students and alumni have started chapters in Jacksonville, Philadelphia, and Danbury.
This year, Danbury hopes to surpass an extremely successful 2017 drive. That event was organized by fourth year student and Clinical Student Government Association representative Elena Gueorguiev (pictured above), who helped collect more than 3,000 products. Over 300 care bags were donated to local shelters, organizations, and women in poverty. For 2018, the chapter has set up donation stations at both Danbury and New Milford hospitals.
Despite no longer being in the Danbury area, Elena maintains an active role in the #HappyPeriod chapter she founded in 2017.
"It means a lot to me to watch this chapter grow and gain momentum; I'm just beyond thankful," she said. "None of this would be possible without the support of AUC students, the medical education team at Danbury, and the community volunteers. I hope this drive—and future drives—will continue to aid hundreds of people who struggle to find adequate hygiene care for their periods. Let's do it team!"
#HappyPeriod collection bins have been placed near employee timeclocks throughout Danbury Hospital. Those interested in participating are encouraged to donate sanitary pads, tampons, soap/sanitation wipes, panty-liners, and new packaged underwear.
For more information about #HappyPeriod, visit