Find The Right Semester for You

3 Start Dates: January, May, September

We enroll three new classes each year in January, May, and September, and accept med school applications year-round. Though the program length is the same for all three start dates, there are unique benefits to each term. Apply and start as early as January 8, 2025.

When Do You Plan to Start?
AUC Timeline 2025


AUC Timeline 2026


AUC Timeline 2027


AUC Timeline 2028



First-time Residency Attainment Rate for 2023-2024 AUC Graduates*


Residency Placements


Specialties in 2024


U.S States and Territories

*First time residency attainment rate is the percent of students attaining a 2024-25 residency position out of all graduates or expected graduates in 2023-24 who were active applicants in the 2024 NRMP match or who attained a residency position outside the NRMP match.